Actress Lea DeLaria Posts a Call for Biden to Take Trump Out

Here’s another installment of the GAS - a newsletter that’s like your toothpaste tube - by the time it’s done, you’ll do anything to get a little more.

Here’s what we have for you today…

  • Actress Lea DeLaria Posts a Call for Biden to Take Trump Out

  • Jen Pskai to Appear before House Committee

  • 88-year-old foster mom is retiring after fostering over 40 children

John Adams Quote

Here Come the Crazies: B-List Celebrity Lea DeLaria Posts a Call for Biden to Take Trump Out

Actress Lea DeLaria, who played Big Boo on Netflix's Orange is the New Black, came right out and said it; “Joe, you now have the right to take that bitch Trump out.”

Enraged by the Supreme Court’s ruling on immunity, De Laria took to social media and embarked on precisely the type of campaign we’ve come to expect from the Left. 

"Joe, you’re a reasonable man," she seethed to her phone.  "You don’t want to do this. But here’s the reality: This is a war. We are fighting for our country, and these people are going to take it away."

"Thank you, [Supreme Court Justice] Clarence 'Uncle' Thomas… If he was Hitler, and this was 1940, would you take him out? Well, he is Hitler. And this is 1940. Take him out! Blow him up, or they’ll blow us up. Facts."

DeLaria claims a hit on Trump is justified, calling it an act of war.

"It’s all-out war now. They will destroy us. They only want power... like all tyrants. FUCK THEM!!! And if any of you want to threaten me like you have been my entire life, bring it on. I’m Sicilian, I know how to play that game," she said. 

Comments on the post were largely negative, with many suggesting DeLaria had a psychotic break.

"This sounds threatening and harmful to an ex-president. Is that legal? Wouldn’t that be domestic terrorism?" one commenter said.

"Who are you and what are you famous for? Also, did you just publicly call for the president to murder his political opponent? If you want third-world stuff to happen, move to a third-world country.

Dear Jesus. Hope you have an amazing lawyer. You can delete this, but the internet lasts forever, and you just told the entire internet to MURDER someone," said another.

Jen Pskai to Appear before House Committee Investigating the Misleading of Americans on Afghanistan Withdrawal

Jen Pskai to Appear before House Committee Investigating the Misleading of Americans on Afghanistan Withdrawal

Former White House Press Secretary Jen “Circle back” Psaki is scheduled to appear for a closed-door transcribed interview with the House Foreign Affairs Committee on July 26. 

Psaki’s appearance is part of the committee’s investigation into the botched Afghanistan withdrawal, according to a Fox News Report, which cited a letter sent to the committee chair, Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas.

White House deputy counsel Rachel Cotton noted in the letter that the committee’s request to hear from Psaki "raises serious separation-of-powers and Executive Branch confidentiality issues." She added, "Nevertheless, as an extraordinary accommodation, we will authorize Ms. Psaki to participate in a voluntary transcribed interview accompanied by personal counsel and the White House Counsel’s Office, subject to appropriate terms and conditions for the interview."

Cotton also requested a list of topics the committee plans to discuss with Psaki or a call to discuss these topics to address potential confidentiality issues.

Cotton emphasized that the White House expects lawmakers "to follow the longstanding practice of engaging with the White House to help us better understand the scope of the testimony sought," to cooperate while maintaining "consistent with Executive Branch confidentiality interests."

Fox News states a “source close to the committee’s Republican majority” claims that investigators believe Psaki made multiple untrue claims in her role as Biden’s press secretary during the withdrawal,  and want to determine what, in any, level of culpability Pskai has for those statements. 

The committee also plans to address discrepancies between her statements in the White House briefing room and information provided by others involved in the withdrawal.

They aim to determine whether Psaki knowingly made misleading claims, as many believe, or if she was simply reporting the information she was given, with no other knowledge of her own.

Specifically, GOP investigators want to know whether the Biden administration, including the State Department and the Department of Defense, failed to provide accurate assessments to Psaki or if national security adviser Jake Sullivan misrepresented agency inputs to her.

The source indicated that Republicans are investigating whether the Biden administration prioritized politics over policy, potentially concealing the truth from the American people.

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Emma Patterson, an 88-year-old foster mom from Maryland, is retiring after fostering over 40 children since the 1980s.

She began fostering when her own children brought home peers in need, and her home eventually became an official foster home.

Despite her remarkable journey, Patterson humbly shares that she didn’t do it for recognition. Montgomery County honored her with an award for her exceptional service.

Patterson attributes her nurturing nature to her upbringing and is proud of the remarkable individuals her foster children have become.


Did you see this? California Governor Gavin Newsom gets absolutely obliterated by @adamcarolla for shutting down the beaches during the pandemic. Brutal. Newsom looked defeated as he had no response as Carolla continuously hounded him over his decisions during the pandemic.


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💩 New report suggests that HUNTER Biden has been attending meetings with senior White House advisors.



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