Biden And Trump Face Off In 2024 Debate Showdown

Here’s another installment of the GAS - the newsletter that’s like your favorite snack - it always hits the spot.

Let’s get ready to rumble…grab your popcorn, flag, and ice cream!

  • Biden And Trump Face Off In 2024 Debate Showdown

  • House Votes to Defund Homeland Security Secretary

  • Human Trafficking Operation Involving Truck Rental Busted In Atlanta

  • Tucker Carlson Outsmarts Aussie Journalist

Ben Carson Quote

Biden And Trump Face Off In 2024 Debate Showdown

2024 Presidential debate

Grab your popcorn, flag, and ice cream!

The first US presidential debate of the 2024 election cycle between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump is set to take place tonight at 9 pm ET.

Moderated by Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, the debate will be broadcast live on CNN, CNN International, CNN en Español, CNN Max, and C-SPAN2.

This event marks the first time the two candidates will be in the same room since their last debate in 2020 and is seen as a crucial moment for both to address key issues and potentially sway undecided voters.

Mayorkas Claims Biden’s Actions Are Improving Border, While Congress Votes To Defund His Salary

Biden and Mayorkas are seemingly, suddenly aware that there are problems at the border, and that Americans are not happy about it. After three years of openly incentivizing illegals to flood our borders while simultaneously declaring our borders are strong and secure, Biden’s people have begun making feeble attempts to remedy the issue and pretending it’s the Republicans’ fault.

First, there was the laughable bill presented, which still allowed thousands of illegals to enter daily for seven days straight before a halt would be considered. 

Now, after three years of Biden insisting he does not have the power to issue an Executive Order for border security, he issued an Executive Order that Mayorkas swears is working.

Meantime, after impeaching Mayorkas, the House voted to defund his salary.

In a press conference yesterday, Mayorkas said, “Three weeks ago, in the face of Congressional inaction, President Biden used his executive authority and suspended the entry of noncitizens across the southern border.”

He made sure to note that “..the executive actions are no substitute – for Congressional action….Only Congress, through legislation, can fix what everyone agrees is a broken immigration system that was last updated almost 30 years ago.”

These statements alone invoke a giant list of fallacies and backtalk, including the part where he has been claiming for years that the border is secure. 

Aside from the ridiculousness of the statement, we have the enormous loophole in this EO, that allows any migrant who “manifests fear” to enter the country. Of course, they must submit to a screening by people trained to determine if the migrant’s fear or asylum claim have merit. The threshold for this is, “ …if they manifest or express a fear of return to their country or country of removal, a fear of persecution or torture, or an intention to apply for asylum.  ”

Congress, while powerless to remove Mayorkas, has at least voted to defund his salary. 

It was an amendment by Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., for the House's appropriations bill funding the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for fiscal year 2025, that would block funds in the bill from being used to pay Mayorkas.

"Taxpayers should not be paying an unelected bureaucrat who was impeached by the House. That's why I sponsored an amendment to this year's Homeland Security Appropriations Act to prohibit funding to be used for the salary of DHS Secretary Mayorkas," Biggs posted on X.

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Watch As A Brave Driver Calls The Police And Exposes A Human Trafficking Operation Involving A Budget Rental Truck Full Of Kids

Watch as a driver on the highway in Atlanta, Georgia, notices something odd after discovering a hand or some kind of body part dangling out of a budget rental truck.

The driver immediately called law enforcement to report the situation and recorded the entire incident on their phone.

As they followed the truck at a safe distance, they provided critical updates to their social media page and the police.

It was later discovered to be a human trafficking operation involving a budget rental Truck full of kids being smuggled.

Thanks to the brave driver who called emergency officials and provided valuable information, the driver of the U-Haul truck was arrested and the human trafficking operation was busted.


Tucker Carlson was praised by his supporters for effectively countering what they perceived as biased and poorly informed questions from an Australian journalist during an interview in Australia.

The interview, widely shared and discussed on social media, highlighted a perceived divide in media approaches and political ideologies, with Carlson's supporters applauding his direct and assertive responses.


🚨 CNN shows how their censorship microphones will work at tonight's debate. [Watch]

👹 Biden officials pushed to drop age limit on trans surgeries for minors: report [Read More]

 🏛️ House report reveals that CIA contractors "colluded" with the Biden campaign to dismiss Hunter Biden’s laptop as Russian disinformation. Top CIA officials were likely aware before the statement's release. [Read More]

💩 One of the hags on The View spits after saying Trump's name. [Watch]

✈️ This mom says she and her toddler were kicked off a United Airlines flight for "misgendering" a flight attendant. [Watch]

💰TikTok Exposes Walmart's 300% Price Surge…



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Barb Allen & Dave Brown

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