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  • California Middle School Principal Cancels Student’s Patriotic Speech and Immediately Feels America’s Wrath

California Middle School Principal Cancels Student’s Patriotic Speech and Immediately Feels America’s Wrath

Here’s another installment of the GAS - we’re your newsletter weatherman. We bring you the forecast every day, rain or shine! 🌞

Here’s what we have for you today:

  • A California seventh-grade student went viral on social media this week after a patriotic speech he wrote was banned by his principal.

  • Biden Cancels Another $7.7B Student Debt

  • Former Boston Red Sox pitcher tackled to the ground and arrested by authorities as part of undercover child predator sting operation.

  • Dana White Says Be A Savage And Win

"The patriot’s blood is the seed of freedom’s tree."

- Thomas Campbell

California Middle School Principal Cancels Student’s Patriotic Speech and Immediately Feels America’s Wrath

Mary Flock, principal of Saint Bonaventure Catholic School, is experiencing the wrath of fed-up Americans today, as a result of her censoring and then canceling a student’s patriotic speech.


Seventh Grader Jimmy Heyward spent hours preparing and rehearsing his campaign speech for the role of Commissioner of School Spirit and Patriotism.

In it, he made comments including,“My love for America is my motivation for running for Commissioner of Patriotism in School Spirit.” 

Flock insisted he edit that line, as well as this comment, “It is an honor to live in this country. Sadly, some people take their citizenship for granted, whether it is disrespecting the people who protect us, or eating nachos during the National Anthem at a sporting event.”

Flock also took offense at the mere mention of patriotism anywhere in Jimmy’s speech, even though the position itself includes the word. She demanded that Jimmy remove all mention of patriotism in his talk. When Jimmy stood his ground and refused to do so, Flock instructed the students running the event to ignore Jimmy, and not allow him to give his campaign speech.

Jimmy then sat on stage for over an hour while his classmates running against him gave their speeches, and he was not allowed to talk. 

When his father objected, Flock went so far as to call the police on him, creating an uproar and thrusting Jimmy’s family into the spotlight.

Flock’s tactics backfired though, as police sided with Jimmy’s father and refused to kick him out of the event.

Still not satisfied, Flock sent out a district-wide email denouncing Jimmy’s family and defending her decision.

That’s when Jimmy’s mom posted a video of his full talk online, and shared the story, and the Internet lit up with support for him. Now, a Change.org petition has gathered thousands of signatures demanding Flock’s removal as principal. The attention became so heated that Flock removed her own social media account, created a new account, and promptly blocked Jimmy’s mother from it.

America is sick and tired of being bullied, censored, canceled, and demoralized by people who hate this country. Principal Flock is now receiving an education herself, in what freedom means to Americans and what happens when patriotic Americans have had enough.

Biden Cancels Another $7.7B Student Debt, Impacting 160,000 Borrowers

BUYING FOR VOTES? The Biden administration announced the cancellation of $7.7 billion in student loan debt for over 160,000 borrowers, targeting those enrolled in income-driven repayment plans and public servants with a decade of service.

This move is part of a broader effort to address the student debt crisis, bringing the total debt relief to $167 billion for 4.75 million borrowers.

The decision has sparked varied reactions, with some praising the relief as a step towards addressing the student debt crisis, while others question its political, economic, and legal implications.


YOU'RE OUT: Former Boston Red Sox pitcher tackled to the ground and arrested by authorities as part of undercover child predator sting operation.


Dana White - Become a savage. You can cry all day and make excuses as to why you did not get an opportunity. Those who are hungry make it happen no matter what. Live your dream!


“Stay far away from dangerous men like this.”


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