Former Big Pharma Consultant Has Warning For Americans

Here’s another installment of the GAS - we serve up news like your favorite snack - it always hits the spot.

Here’s what we have for you today…

  • Writer Immediately Regrets Targeting Dolly Parton

  • Former Big Pharma Consultant Has Warning For Americans

  • Kansas Attorney General Sues Pfizer for "Misleading Americans on COVID Vaccine."

larry elder quote

Federalist Writer Immediately Regrets Targeting Dolly Parton for Refusing to Denounce LGBTQ

Federalist writer Ericka Andersen is feeling the backlash of her decision to denounce Dolly Parton’s “False Gospel,” and her regret is on full display.

In a recent article for the Federalist, which uses the tagline, “Be Lovers of Freedom and Anxious for the Fray,” Anderson argued the controversial point that Christians should not embrace those of the LGBTQ community but rather, call out their sin. 

For some reason, Anderson thought using Dolly Parton as an example of her point was a good idea, and immediately realized her mistake when the internet exploded in defense of Dolly.

In her article, Andersen argued that if Parton is indeed the Christian she claims to be, she should call out homosexuality as a sin. “Parton’s version of love, which includes condoning immoral sexual behavior (‘be who you are,’ she’s said), is unaligned with God’s vision for humanity,” Andersen wrote.

Andersen also stated that while she agrees with Dolly’s assertion that all should be treated with love and kindness, refusing to label a sin a sin does more harm than good. 

Dolly is among the few celebrities and icons who make it a point to keep politics off her stage. She does, however, reference her faith and has noted that she has people of all communities in her family, workplace, and inner circles. 

“I’ve got transgender people. I’ve got gays. I’ve got lesbians. I’ve got drunks. I’ve got drug addicts — all within my own family. I know and love them all, and I do not judge. And I just see how broken-hearted they get over certain things and I know how real they are,” Dolly has shared in interviews. 

Dolly has also noted that  “I ain’t that good a Christian to think that I am so good that I can judge people. That’s God’s job, not mine.”

For this, Andersen targeted the 78-year-old icon and was apparently taken aback at the depth of the backlash felt as thousands of people condemned her for coming after someone so beloved. 

“They came for Dolly. We ride at dawn,”  posted one person. And the sentiment was shared in endless ways by others. 

Andersen, to her credit, issued an apology and admitted she should never have used Dolly Parton as an example on this point.

All well and good. And yet, as the mother of an adult son who is now living as a transgender woman and having personally experienced the struggle of reconciling my beliefs and faith with the love of all of my children.

Andersen’s point itself is one I have found to be more representative of hate than faith.

Former Big Pharma Consultant Warns Americans of Poison in Our Food

Americans are becoming sicker, unhappier, and over-prescribed, with rising rates of obesity, depression, infertility, and chronic illness.

Grassroots movements are emerging to educate the public on the importance of homegrown, toxin-free food, and people like Calley Means, a former Big Food and Big Pharma consultant, are working to expose corrupt industry practices while highlighting how these practices are destroying our health.

He founded TrueMed, a company that enables tax-free spending on food and exercise.

Calley Means reveals that food is a major factor in the decline of American health.

Eight out of ten medical issues today are tied to food and are reversible through dietary changes. Food companies directly fund medical groups, such as the American Academy of Diabetes, influencing guidelines and policies. For example, Coca-Cola has spent millions influencing medical groups which then alter USDA guidelines.

A particularly harmful policy is the USDA's allowance of up to 10% added sugar in the diets of two-year-olds, which Means points out is extremely harmful and a result of corporate greed.

In a recent interview with Jesse Waters, Means called out “Unimpressive PR executives” whose sole purpose is to figure out how to gaslight Americans into buying and consuming harmful products. And they are very good at what they do, says Means.

As a result of the coordinated campaign to prioritize profit over people, Means states America is being brought to its knees by preventable metabolic dysfunction. 

The statistics back him up: 80% of adults are overweight or obese, 50% are diabetic or pre-diabetic, and 25% of teens are pre-diabetic.

Pharmaceutical and medical industries remain silent on these issues, while politicians like former New York mayor Bill de Blasio famously gorged on McDonald’s fries, as he attempted to bribe Americans with free fries if they submit to the Covid vaccine.

Perhaps the day will come when we do not have to be constantly vigilant against our own government in terms of being poisoned by our food. But until that day arrives - pay attention. 

You are what you eat!

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Kansas Attorney General Sues Pfizer for "Misleading Americans on COVID Vaccine."

The announcement alleges Pfizer misled Kansas on vaccine risks, such as with pregnant women and myocarditis, and that Pfizer claimed the vaccines protected against COVID variants when data showed differently. Additionally, Pfizer claimed their vaccines prevented COVID-19 transmission, but the company later admitted they never did the proper studies to back up that claim, the statement says.

The release also alleges that "Pfizer coordinated with social media officials to censor speech critical of COVID-19 vaccines and declined to participate in the federal government’s vaccine development program, operation warp speed, to avoid government oversight."

Kansas AG Kris Kobach said in the announcement, “Pfizer made multiple misleading statements to deceive the public about its vaccine at a time when Americans needed the truth."


 🚨Los Angeles voted 5-2 in favor of banning cellphones and social media use during the day amid outcry from educators [Read More]

💲Donald Trump's proposed elimination of taxes on tips could save service workers $250 billion.[Read More]

👩‍⚕️ FBI sent to the home of a nurse who exposed illegal trans procedures. [Watch]

👽 ILLEGAL ALIEN accused of raping a 13-year-old girl in Queens Park caught with help from residents. [Read More]

⚾️ Willie Mays, MLB Hall of Famer and San Francisco Giants legend, has died at 93. [Read More]


cheap fake

KJP claims that the videos of Joe Biden freezing are “cheap fakes” and “manipulated” videos.


Statue of Liberty Canvas Art - Custom Painted Original by By Tom Varano

This is a custom, hand painted original by speed painter Tom Varano. This Statue of Liberty piece makes a great showcase piece for any room. 

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Barb Allen & Dave Brown

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