Do not do this, President XI, and a Kill Switch for Cancer

Here’s another installment of the Great American Syndicate newsletter - your one-stop shop for news, laughs, and everything in between.

Here’s what we have for you today:

  • Do not pitch a client or a platform without doing this

  • Kill switch for cancer cells

  • Donald Trump visits his grandaughter’s school for Grandparents Day

Do NOT Pitch a Client or a Platform Without Doing This….

Am I an expert, a guru, or a mega-successful businesswoman?


And I’m not pretending to be.

But it doesn’t take any of that to understand the most basic concept of marketing or pitching someone, or anything along those lines:

Know who you are pitching and marketing to.

That’s it.

I am not going to market or pitch my ghostwriting services to a published author or someone with a website offering their own ghostwriting services.

I am going to research a person I’d like to interview before I reach out to them. I am going to dig into their social media and tap into what they are passionate about.

I am going to research an event; its hosts, its past events, its speakers and its mission, before I pitch myself as a Speaker, so I understand how I can best serve them before I reach out.

It seems like an obvious step to take- like a step that would be taken especially by those with established success, platforms, brands, and services.

And yet I’m continually pitched by people wanting to be on my show or speak at our event, who clearly have no idea who I am, what our event is, and what value our community will receive from them.

I also receive emails like this:

I wanted to circle back on an email a few days ago. I came across you in the National Speaker Association directory and would love to hear more about the topics you speak about.

As another way of giving yourself more exposure and attracting new clients, have you ever thought about starting a podcast? I created a podcast a few years ago and it gave my consulting business a huge boost. Now I'm showing fellow consultants and speakers how to do the same for themselves and use a podcast as an easy way to gain national attention and land more clients.

Would you like to set up a quick call to talk about ways we could collaborate?

This person’s assistant clearly got my email from NAS and lumped me into a mass marketing campaign. Ironically, the brand’s site prominently states that “People buy from People, not Brands.” It then launches into all the ways this person teaches you how to directly relate to an audience and personally connect with clients. It also appears to be a successful brand.

And yet - it makes the same Rookie mistakes so many of us have.

So, never forget a person is more than a sale, or a client. Always know who you are pitching and how you can help them before the pitch, and you’ve got my business:)

- Barb

“Kill Switch” For Cancer Cells Could Lead to A Cure

Cancer sucks. Just ask anyone who’s ever had it, or loves someone who has had it. 

Now, a new breakthrough might just hold the key to unlocking a cure for this deadly disease.

Scientists from the UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center in Sacramento, California, have discovered a "kill switch" that could potentially take down cancer cells. They found a protein on the CD95 receptor, also known as Fas, which can essentially program cancer cells to self-destruct. This breakthrough, detailed in a recent study published in Cell Death & Differentiation, is a game-changer in the fight against cancer.

How does this work, in layman terms? Receptors are like the messengers in our cells, receiving and sending signals. CD95 receptors, aptly nicknamed "death receptors," trigger a signal that prompts cancer cells to annihilate themselves. Previous attempts to target this receptor weren't successful, but researchers believe that identifying this specific target could open up new therapeutic possibilities for tackling Fas in tumors.

The hope is that future cancer drugs could ramp up the activity of these CD95 receptors, creating a powerful weapon against cancer tumors. Traditional methods like surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation have been the go-to treatments, but the newly discovered "kill switch" could revolutionize cancer treatment.

The team believes that boosting CD95 receptors will not just terminate tumor cells, but could also enhance the effectiveness of immunotherapies, which are currently limited in their effectiveness against solid tumors. The “one-two punch” approach holds hope of knocking cancer out.

The buzz of excitement about this is not quite a roar, as clinical trials have yet to begin. And as promising as this news is, even the lead researcher, Jogender Tushir-Singh, is only cautiously optimistic, noting concerns about potential retaliation against immune-system T-cells as a reason for neglecting Fas as a target.

More data is needed, says Tushir-Singh, before we can all celebrate. Still, opportunities exist for cancer researchers to go back, collect human tumor samples, and perform new analyses based on this new development.

The next breakthrough, he says, “is just one experiment away.”

Chemotherapy is arguably just as lethal as the cancer itself- if the cancer doesn’t kill you, the “cure” might. Social media has helped in that it connects us to people who share their alternate treatment paths. Holistic treatments and hybrid plans can work while also allowing people to avoid the toxic side effects of chemo. Unfortunately, this treatment receives little support from the mainstream medical community, as big pharma maintains its chokehold on that industry.

Time will tell not only if this new pill could be the cure to a devastating disease, but if it will remain untainted by big pharma’s equally toxic touch. 

FACT: Seeing Donald Trump go to Grandparents Day is the best video you’ll see today.


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Was it as good for you as it was for us? Make sure you tell all your friends so they don’t miss out next week! 🇺🇸

Barb Allen & Dave Brown

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