Julian Assange, the Founder of WikiLeaks is Free

Here’s another installment of the GAS - the newsletter that's as energizing as a triple-shot espresso, without the jitters.

Here’s what we have for you today…

  • The Humanity Behind the Headlines

  • Assange Freed: Plea Deal Ends 15-Year Saga

  • MSNBC's Symone Sanders is Running Cover for Illegal Aliens

The Humanity Behind the Headlines
If it bleeds it leads.

That is the official, unofficial rule of news media. It’s what garnered national and even international headlines in the case of my husband’s murder, and it’s what decides headlines daily.

Since the rise of social media, that rule has been expanded to include anything that supports that outlet’s political views.

So in the case of a twelve-year-old girl brutally murdered by two illegal immigrants who Biden’s policies released into this country - it’s a double whammy.

Yes, it is absolutely outrageous and even infuriatingly tragic to learn that this young girl is one of so many innocent victims of the Biden Administration’s intentional recruitment of illegal immigrants. Yes, it is painfully obvious that these victims would not be headlines, or headstones if we had secure borders.

Or any borders, at this point.

And it is indeed important to scream her name out. It’s important to scream all of their names out:

Jocelyn Nunagary

Rachel Morin

Lizbeth Medina

Laken Riley

Officer Richard Yarusso

Officer Christopher Abreu

Those are just some of the names of Americans who have been murdered, with illegal aliens charged for the crimes.

All of these people would be alive today, all of their families would still have them, were it not for the Biden Administration. This needs to end.

And yet, underneath all of this, behind the headlines and high-profile cases, are real human beings.

In twelve-year-old Jocelyn’s case, her mother is just  27 years old. Her mom, Alexis, pleads with people to pause for a moment:

"I just want people to remember, I know this is a very high-profile case, but she was still my firstborn. I was a teen mom, I fought for her at 15. I’m 27 now, I'm still fighting for her," she continued. "Just remember that she was a very special little girl that deserves her justice and I know she is going to make a difference in this world for all children and now it’s my job to make sure it continues to happen." 

The strength and grace it takes for this young mother, in the face of unimaginable pain, to so eloquently and clearly remind us all about the humanity behind the headlines is extraordinary.

So say their names. Scream the injustices and outrage from the rooftops and for heaven’s sake… VOTE.

But carry the heartbeats of all the families in your hearts.

There but for the grace of God, go we.

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Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, has reached a plea deal with the US Department of Justice, resulting in his release from a British prison after nearly 15 years. He will not be extradited to the US and has been granted 'time served.' The news has sparked widespread discussion about potential interviews, with many suggesting that Tucker Carlson should be the first to interview Assange.

Julian Assange Freed: Plea Deal Ends 15-Year Saga


MSNBC's Symone Sanders is running cover for the illegal immigrants that raped and murdered a 12-year-old:

 “We don't use the term illegal… They're undocumented individuals”


🤡 CNN previews their anti-Trump debate bias. [Read More]

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🥫 Aluminum can cause serious health risks like Alzheimer's, and it's in a scary number of products you use. [Read More]

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👀 CNN Host LOSES IT When Trump Spokeswoman Calls Network Out. [Watch]

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Bidenomics meme


The America First Tee

The central focus of this t-shirt is to put America and all Americans First. It's about electing Patriots not Politicians and restoring morality, ethics, and common sense to the United States of America.

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Barb Allen & Dave Brown

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