Shutdown Showdown, Fire Alarm Antics, and House Speaker Ousted

Reject the False Echoes of Despair

Hello! This is our Great American Syndicate newsletter- recently ranked as the most despised by Communists.

Here’s what we have for you today:

  • A Government shutdown is avoided…for now

  • New York Congressman Jamall Bowman pulls a fire alarm in Congress

  • Stop listening to the lie that all is lost

Congress Successfully Approves Funding Bill…for Now

By now you’ve heard that Congress passed a last-minute stopgap bill to prevent a government shutdown.

The bill passed with just a few hours left before the midnight deadline, passing with a vote of 335-91.

This means that the federal government is funded at current 2023 levels until Nov. 17. The bill passed with just a few hours left before the midnight deadline, and Biden is said to have signed it just in time to avert the shutdown.

“Fire Marshall” Jamaal Bowman Pulls Capitol Fire Alarm to Delay Vote

Former high school principal and current New York Congressman Jamall Bowman is this week’s leading character in the constant Congressional drama. Bowman didn’t have a sexual relationship with a Chinese spy or get himself arrested for wire fraud - at least, not that we know of.  Bowman’s offense, caught on security footage, was to pull a fire alarm on Capitol Hill while members were down to the final hours of deliberating on a bill to avoid a government shutdown. 

His former high school students faced a range of consequences for committing the same act, up to and including expulsion from the school. 

According to D.C. and federal laws, Bowman may potentially face three charges that could lead to a maximum sentence of nearly 36 years.


President Joe Biden's son Hunter pleaded not guilty Tuesday to federal gun charges in Delaware. But his high-priced lawyers plan to argue that the earlier "sweetheart" plea deal is legally enforceable so that their client should never be tried and, thereby, skate on any prison time. It won’t work!

Kevin McCarthy vote results: Speaker ousted after deal to avert government shutdown. For the first time in U.S. history, a speaker of the House has been fired.

Shoplifter screams Walmart is racist after getting caught red-handed. The Shoplifter is taught an object lesson in accountability and doesn’t learn anything.


Stop Listening to the Lie That All is Lost

Stop listening to the lie that your vote doesn’t matter.

Stop letting the enormity of our country’s mess overwhelm you to the point of giving up.

Stop letting the Biblical prophecies playing out figuratively or, in some cases literally, convince you that there is nothing left to do other than prepare your soul for the Rapture. 

Or whatever else you are telling yourself, to excuse yourself from showing up.

Stop it. 

This is not the time to sit back and surrender this country, this world, or this life to the lie that all is lost. Rather, it is the time to throw yourself into all of it harder than you ever have before. You owe that to yourself, your family, your community, and your country. You owe it to the men and women who sacrificed their lives, their limbs, their friends, their time with loved ones, and parts of their very souls to fight for the very things you are now being told don’t matter anymore. 

Does your vote count? 

Maybe. Maybe not, depending on a host of variables. 

But does not voting strengthen the message that all is lost?


Does it even matter who is in what office of power anymore, anyway? Isn’t the whole system so deeply corrupt- isn’t every politician eventually a part of the problem? Doesn’t voting play into the lie that our entire government isn’t too far gone to ever restore America to its true path? Isn’t it really on us to all fend for ourselves now? And so on…. 

I hear you. I hear all the “Influencers” telling us all that we are either idiots for caring about whatever latest scandal or threat emerges because we are all being duped into overlooking what the real threat is, or that we are idiots for not caring about the constant onslaught of mayhem. 

I hear all the reasons to just comply with whatever form of tyranny comes next. I feel the pain at the gas pumps and the grocery stores and tax bills and all the other points of entry politics find into our finances. 

I understand the fear we feel for our children and their children..


I also understand that you cannot defeat a person who never gives up.

I understand that it may take generations to undo the damage caused in the last few years, but it will take far less time to allow it all to burn fully to the ground.

We can’t know how long, if ever, it will take- how much we will have to inconvenience ourselves, push ourselves, and make our own sacrifices, to prevail over the sheer magnitude of evil and tyranny sweeping our nation and across the globe. 

But we do know what happens if we all surrender. 

And that is unacceptable. 

So we call on you to stay in this with us. 

Don’t give up.

Don’t stop loving, or laughing, or building your dreams because you are told that we are all about to die, or that freedom is never going to be anything but a memory. 

Don’t stop bringing beautiful new souls into this world because you believe this world doesn’t deserve them 

Don’t stop helping your neighbors, taking vacations, and striving to excel. 

It’s not over. 

In fact, in many ways, it has only just begun.

- Barb Allen


Was it as good for you as it was for us? Make sure you tell all your friends so they don’t miss out next week! 🇺🇸

Barb Allen & Dave Brown

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