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- Bobby Kennedy’s Black Sheep Leadership: Will it Help Cure Some TDS?
Bobby Kennedy’s Black Sheep Leadership: Will it Help Cure Some TDS?

Bobby Kennedy’s Black Sheep Leadership: Will it Help Cure Some TDS?

RFK had my attention early on in this election cycle. The more I watched his videos and heard his ideas for America, the more I thought… Maybe he is a smarter choice than Trump. Not because I don’t miss the America we had between 2016-2020 - or at least a lot of it - but because I realize that TDS is so rampant and, like any other addiction, first requires the will to recover from. And I realize that far too many Americans have not yet developed that will.
Because TDS is most definitely an addiction. Its sufferers mimic addicts in myriad ways, including either a complete lack of awareness of their addiction or full knowledge of such and the decision that the consequences of the addiction are preferable to the challenges of recovery. Either way, it is a formidable opponent to freedom and any shot we may have at seeing America live up to the sacrifices so many have made for it.
My thoughts on RFK changed when I realized that for whatever reason, he has flip-flopped on abortion. He has said that he would oppose any government limits even up to full term. He has also said he would support a ban after a certain amount of weeks.
Then the attacks on Trump escalated in the courtroom, and I drew my line. At this moment in time, it has to be Trump. Once Butler PA happened, I thought that would help more Americans feel the same.
But I underestimated the power of TDS- the afflicted literally do not care at all about that. Some even believe Trump staged it.
Oh Lord have mercy.
Ok then - once the blatant coup happened, I thought that would help cure some people.
But no it did not. And when the addicts seemed to scramble in line for more after Harris was crowned and after she put Walz in as the top Court Jester… I realized this country needs a genuine miracle.
And RFK stepped forward to serve us all a slice of humble pie.
RFK is most definitely the black sheep of his family. Seeing them turn on him evoked my sympathy- I have had people who told me we are ‘family” turn on me. Within months of my husband being murdered, one even swore she would destroy me after I called attention to something that pissed her off.
In my own family I suppose I am a bit of a black sheep not because of any venom or hostility, but simply because I live life outside the lines of conventional careers and structured timelines. Conversationally it can feel as though I have little in common, which can lead to feeling like an outcast.
It takes conviction, grace, confidence, and courage to stay true to oneself when it means you don’t fit in.
Trump is the poster child for that. He is the blackest of the black sheep, if you will, taking on the Establishment and even taking a bullet for America.
When Bobby Kennedy put his own pride and his own drive to be President of the United States aside in order to uphold the values and beliefs he stands for, one black sheep united with another, and proved to us all that Americans can still unite. My hope is that his heart leads him to recognize children in the womb deserve his dedication, too.
I don’t know anyone who is not afflicted with TDS who hasn’t paid a price for holding true to our own convictions: we refused the juice, we call out the Emperor for having no clothes, we understand that the Democrats of today are in fact the truest threat to us all, and nothing like the Democrats before them.
Donald Trump and Bobby Kennedy are the Black Sheep Leaders this country needs- because every true Patriot today is considered a black sheep, ourselves, and we are the ones who will have to stand strong in order to help the rest of America when they don’t even realize they need us.
Call me whatever you want for this, but it’s what I believe.
We still have a chance to save America. But all of us black sheep will have to be shepherds.
