Her Parents And 7 Year Old Boy Drowned In Front Of Her

Barb Allen Speaks


I can’t get this family out of my head or my heart. They are not the only family with a story like this one, either. But for whatever reason, of all the tragic stories I’ve read, of all the stories that break my heart, this is the one I keep coming back to.

Maybe because it was the first one I heard. Maybe because I’m a mom, too, and I raised four little boys, and the thought of that happening to any of them wrecks me. Add watching my parents plunge into flood waters, hearing my mom screaming along with my son, as I am swept to safety and they are all swept to death -

You either find God in these moments or curse HIm.

Seven-year-old Micah called out to Jesus with his last breath.

Micah, his mother Megan Drye, and her parents spent hours trapped on the roof, watching flood waters pummeling their town, as Jessica posted on social media and reached out to family members for help.

Jessica’s sister frantically posted on social media and contacted anyone she could think of. Anyone she could reach.

But help didn’t make it in time.

Ripped from his mother’s arms, his grandmother frantically trying to find him while his grandfather is swept away, Micah called out to Jesus to save him. Those were the last words his mom heard from him.

This image is one of many coming out from Helene.

Megan could hear her mom screaming as she was swept away.

Somehow, Megan made it to some debris that was strong enough for her to hold on to. She clung to it for more hours until rescuers found her.

They found Micah’s body not far from her.

Why am I sharing this with you? It’s been two weeks since I sent a newsletter, and it’s not even Sunday today.

Because in moments like this, in stories like this, we either find God or reject Him.

I saw a brief interview with Micah’s mom. I saw some of her statement and her sisters’ statements. They believe Micah and their parents were saved. They believe Micah and their family members are wrapped in Jesus’ arms, and that they were with Megan the entire time she was clinging to life.

Micah believed so much that he didn’t call out for his mother or grandparents. He called out to Jesus.

That is why I am sharing this with you right now.

Because it feels like the entire world is falling apart. It feels like our country is figuratively drowning even as so many literal tragedies are taking place. We feel helpless to help from afar. We feel betrayed by our government using American tax dollars to hand over to illegals and foreign wars, even as they announce that FEMA has run out of money.

But what else do we see?

We see this family finding comfort in their faith. We see thousands of Americans donating to charities for disaster relief. We see heroic acts replacing tragic moments. We see people packing supplies in on mules, flying private helicopters in dangerous situations to save an infant, and fly right back out to save others. We see people sleeping in their cars, hundreds or thousands of miles from their own homes, so they can be on the ground and help survivors.

I saw another story that is sitting with me, too.

It was a story highlighting Samaritan’s Purse, a disaster relief organization that utilizes volunteers in addition to staff. A flood survivor, her eyes swollen, her face gaunt, standing near a demolished home, was smiling a bent but not broken smile as she recalled seeing the orange t-shirts of volunteers marching toward her.

As a few tears softly fell, the woman said, “We’re not crying because of what we lost. We’re crying because love showed up.”

That’s why I am sharing this now.

Because we all need hope. And hope is often found in the most hopeless moments.

If you or someone you love is impacted by Helene, I hope you are wrapped in the same grace highlighted here.

If you can donate a few dollars but have been wondering who to send it to I suggest Samaritan’s Purse.

It took 9/11 to unite us years ago. May this tragedy unite us now.

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